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really good artist~~~~~i love it


Just played the demo and wishlisted the game right away! Not only is the artwork absolutely lovely, but I found myself grinning and marvelling at a lot of little touches, animations and dialogue. There was a sense of child-like wonder, where everything felt new, vibrant and wondrous. Something about the characters and writing made me want to take the time to imagine their voices and intonation in my mind. From the music to the animations, it’s all very charming and makes me want to take the time to appreciate the details and wander around. I’m very impressed :)

I will look forward to a Linux release! Until then, I found a single typo, when speaking to the mother near the fountain: "a dusty old warehouse is no a place".

Thank you so much for the kind words.  One more vote for Linux makes it even more likely to happen!  And thanks for letting me know about the typo :-)


I can translate your game into Spanish, if you wish.

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Thanks for the offer.  At the moment, we're still not sure how translations will work with the game mechanic.  But I'll keep that in mind :-)


I just played the demo after seeing this comment, so I kept an eye out for this (as a translator myself). I can definitely see the Charms causing issues in other languages due to the way they can be used as nouns, adjectives or verbs and in various idioms. Even with the same meaning, several languages can’t just insert a word into a sentence as is done here without needing context-specific declensions and changes to the words around them.

It’s a shame that this is probably an unsolvable problem. It’s one thing to adapt idioms and puns, but the requirement for a single, catch-all word makes this mechanic very much tied to the original language (not to mention the visual cues tied to each Charm that might not make sense in all languages).

Be very wary of anyone who claims they can make it work without substantial changes to the game’s logic!

you didn't reach the dance goal this is so sad ;-;

There's still 18 hours left, there's a good chance we'll hit it!

We reached the goal!



i just realized that means you made 7 thousand dollars in 18 hours dear god


Played the Demo and it was a really positive surprise. Definitvly a game on my radar now

Thanks :-)

(1 edit)

Love how the story is going so far when I played the demo! The characters are adorable and the artwork itself is amazing! Keep it up I am looking forward to how the story ends. :)

Thank you!

Sweet demo & charm mechanic. It should be very interesting going back a lot to experiment with different charms. :) Also, congrats on passing the KS goal & unlocking two stretch goals already. I'm sure the narrator goal will be surpassed too. 


Thank you :-)

I put this cat on my wallpaper: 3

I absolutely adore this game! The art style is amazing!



guess ill wait till the full game is out then ill SLAM my money into my pc


What a lovely game! Only played long enough to decide to back the Kickstater, so as not to spoil any more of it! Looking forward to sitting down and playing the complete game when it's ready <3

Thank you! <3

(1 edit) (-1)

Is there a way that this could work on  chromebook? I tried lots of things and either I had to pay, or I could just wait till its on chrome, or wait for it to load till THE DAY I DIE!!! I'm only 10 for the love of pete!!! *(clears throat embarressedly)* Back to the point. (Also, I know embaressedly isn't a word, I'm just too lazy to correct it.) Again, is there a way?

Hey, sorry for your frustrations. I don't have access to a chromebook, so I don't anticipate I'll be able to get a build working on chromebook.  However, there's a better chance that in the future we may bring the game to a cloud platform like Stadia or Luna, in which case it should work on just about any computer.

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Hi, i love the artwork!!.

 i need help cuz am stuck with this guy wearing yellow suit live in something factory need help!

Try using the Chronicle to go back to the conversation with Roxy (Rolo's sister)

thanks you so much it helped!!

I love it!!

(1 edit)

Thank you! :)

Gorgeous artwork!!


estara en español?

me gustaría, pero es mucho trabajo.  posiblemente en el futuro


It started a bit slow and I felt like it needed a run button. But as I got to the strange man in the bio suit and figured how the charms worked I was hooked! 

Beautiful art too!

Glad you stuck with it, thanks for playing!

The art style is gorgeous, and the story and game play is interesting. I hope the game gets more attention.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

First of, The artwork on those characters were very special. Their expressions to the way that they interacted with other folks was really what made me get immersed into the story. 

So hats off to you and soon to be launch of this on kickstarter.

Here's my playthrough (several endings) for all to explore!

Glad you liked it.  Thanks for playing!

My pleasure.

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